
Sit! Lie down! Roll over! Now sacrifice your face for our safety! Good boy! In this episode of Caustic Soda, Joe, Kevin, and Toren fetch the weird and the gross about man’s best friend: the domestic dog. We’ve got dog-on-human and human-on-dog weirdness for you, plus our favorite dogs in pop culture!

Music: “Ill Barkio” by Spike Jonez




23 Responses

  1. i hope the podcasts considers the picking up of the dogshit after you have taught your dog not to shit in your own backyard. My dad taught me that one. To watch dog owners pick up the shit is as bizzare as it is entertaining.
    Looking forward hearing the tale of the Dog

  2. omg how could forget benjie, and the littlest hobo!!!! But I forgive ya, the number of fictional hero dogs is huge (Tin Tin’s dog snowy-in english- and brain from inspector gadget to name a few others that are my all time favorites).
    Judy film, yay take that one to the bank. I’d say instead of live action, do it in animation (though still no dog talking), maybe even use CG but give it a fleischman superman look almost.

    1. I made a promise to myself I wouldn’t bring up any dogs that didn’t rip out someone’s throat or come to a horrific end. In fact, the one dog I did bring up that came to a horrific end got cut from the episode. Whaddyagonnado?

      1. The two that occurred to me that may have fit are:

        Chopper. Of “Chopper, sick balls!” from Stand By Me.

        The weird dog-god thing in Ghostbusters that chased Rick Moranis around. Terrorized the poor guy, helped to almost end the world.

        (Also, I’m really enjoying listening to all the back issues, so to speak.)

  3. The first thing that occurred to me were those Hellhound things in Ghostbusters – that scene where Rick Moranis is smeared up against the glass of a restaurant when the Hellhound catches him: pure comedy gold. :o)

    On Australia’s SBS station we’ve been getting a German detective show called Inspector Rex for years, where Rex is, of course, a German Shepherd who’s a member of a detective unit. It’s quite amusing. He’s not evil though, so it’s not a very Caustic reference.

    SBS was the home of Wilfred, btw. I only caught it once or twice and it didn’t really appeal to me, but I think it got a pretty big cult following. Not sure what the American remake is like, but if it’s anything like most of the remakes (eg Kath & Kim, Men Behaving Badly, etc – though The Office is pretty good), the original will have been better.

    Hey Joe, how does the American Wilfred compare with the Aussie version?

    [OT: The bloke in the Aussie series (not the dog) is an actor called Adam Zwar, who’s doing a lot of good TV these days – if you can find Lowdown, where he’s a two-bit journo, that’s really worth watching.]

    1. I think it was Joe who suggested we talk about Ghostbusters’ ‘terrordogs.’ My contention then and now is that although they are called dogs, they are not dogs, in the same way that what we call a mountain goat is not a goat. Yes, I am being pedantic!

  4. I don’t know if you guys are aware, but in the film post-apocalyptic film A Boy And His Dog (Netflix is where I saw it) there is the telepathic, sapient dog called Dogmeat. I’m fairly sure the dog character in Fallout 3 called Dogmeat is a direct reference to that film.

    1. That’s the second time “A Boy and His Dog” has been linked to “Fallout 3.” I don’t know what’s happening, but the dog’s name in both the Ellison’s writings and in the movie (I’ve only seen the movie) is Blood, not Dogmeat.

      1. I’ve got a vague memory of Dogmeat being based on the dog in Road Warrior, but I couldn’t prove it if challenged.

        The Harlan Ellison story, though, has been adapted a couple of times: there’s the Don Johnson movie, but also a pretty swell bunch of comic-book vignettes with artwork by Richard Corben. Ellison has been threatening to release a novel-length Vic and Blood story (“Blood’s a Rover”) for decades, but so far, the only part of it that’s actually surfaced is the messed-up continuation of “A Boy and His Dog” that involves ghosts and giant spiders. It’s… not as good as the story everyone’s read.

  5. Hey, guys, great podcast! I just wanted to chime in about the epilepsy medication for dogs. The dog I had growing up was an awesome chow/shepherd mix who was pretty much my constant companion when I was a kid. She was also epileptic, and it was absolutely *terrifying* to watch her have seizures. One of my scariest memories from when I was a kid is of being woken up during the night, wandering out into the living room, and finding my dad standing helplessly over our dog when she was in the middle of an epileptic fit. She would sometimes bite her tongue or hurt herself by banging into the furniture when she was seizing. Epilepsy meds helped us manage her seizures, and really improved her quality of life, because we could play normally with her without the fear of her having a seizure.

    I’m pretty sure that human psycho-therapeutic and anti-epilepsy medications could be tweaked to be suitable for animals without too much difficulty. Cats and dogs have pretty much the same neurotransmitters we have, so it’s probably more of a question of dose.

  6. Why can’t the bite scale go beyond death of the victim?
    Level 10 is when the dog kills you and eats your corpse.

  7. Oh my DOG! Kabang photos…NOT ready for that jelly.

    I’m a new listener to Caustic Soda and my whites have never been whiter.

  8. Re: Seizure medicine for dogs… I take Dilantin, a common an seizure medicine for humans. 100 milligram capsules, similar in size to a Tylenol. One morning, I dropped one, and our Cocker Spaniel “Molly” gobbled it up as though it was a dog treat tossed her way. A quick call to the vet came next… we were told not to worry, as Dilantin is a drug that can be formulated for dogs and 100 milligrams was not a problem. Molly had no adverse reactions that day.

  9. The movie Airbud comes to mind. I have fond memories of the original from my childhood, but I suspect it wouldn’t hold up today since all the subsequent spinoffs seem so awful.

    I also have dinner interesting trivia on works leaders and their dogs. German chancellor Angela Merkel has an intense fear of dogs after being bitten as a child. Russian President Putin, on the other hand, has a beloved black lab named Koni. Putin, being fully aware of Merkel’s fear, had on at least one occasion brought Koni along during a meeting with Merkel. There are pictures if Merkel with the rather large Koni at her feet. She is very visibly unnerved by the animal. Although as far as I’ve read, Koni is a sweet girl

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