Hurricanes, Part 2 of 2
Our caustic look at hurricanes concludes with hurricane hunters, Hurricane Katrina, Typhoon Haiyan, the insultingly nitpicky appearance of the 1970 Bhola Cyclone In The News, plus pop culture! Part 2 of 2.
Our caustic look at hurricanes concludes with hurricane hunters, Hurricane Katrina, Typhoon Haiyan, the insultingly nitpicky appearance of the 1970 Bhola Cyclone In The News, plus pop culture! Part 2 of 2.
Kevin, Toren, and Joe are back to talk about Big Wind: hurricanes! We’ll cover the biggest and most destructive ever, including the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, plus a Public Service Announcement, the Great Hurricane of 1780, and Galveston, Texas in 1900. Part 1 of 2.
The worst blizzards in history including The Storm of the Century, The Cleveland Superbomb, the Schoolhouse Blizzard of 1888, and The Great Die Up, Also,