
Get your filthy ears on us you damn dirty listeners! It’s time for Caustic Soda’s APES episode!

Song: Abba Dabba Dabba Honeymoon by Hoagy Carmichael



19 Responses

  1. From wikipedia:
    Most countries use the spelling aluminium (with an i before -um). In the United States, this spelling is largely unknown, and the spelling aluminum predominates.[57][58] The Canadian Oxford Dictionary prefers aluminum, whereas the Australian Macquarie Dictionary prefers aluminium.
    The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted aluminium as the standard international name for the element in 1990, but three years later recognized aluminum as an acceptable variant. Hence their periodic table includes both.[59] IUPAC officially prefers the use of aluminium in its internal publications, although several IUPAC publications use the spelling aluminum.[60]

  2. One of my favourite gorilla bad guys, Monsieur Mallah (from Doom Patrol)…

    He was created by the man that eventually became the super villain known as the Brain. The two eventually became romantic partners during Grant Morrison’s run on Doom Patrol. The Brain took Robot Man’s new body and professed his love. Monsieur Mallah felt the same. Sadly, the new body exploded and the Brain was killed though in true super hero fashion, the Brain later resurfaced.

    Also, there was a lack of Apes and Comedy. I’d like to start the discussion with the scene from Trading Places where Clarence Beeks is tied up and placed in a gorilla suit then locked in a cage with a love sick Gorilla who proceeds to anally rape Beeks. Comedy Gold!

  3. We actually brought up Monsieur Mallah but I cut it for time and because we didn’t have anything insightful to say about him. Plus we had to leave something for you to point out in the comments – mission accomplished!

  4. It is a common misconception that gorillas beat their chests as a show of force. It is actually an audio signal to the pack that there is danger near. To intimidate gorillas will turn sideways to present a larger, more menacing target.

  5. It is a common misconception that gorillas beat their chests as a show of force. It is actually an audio signal to the pack that there is danger near. To intimidate gorillas will turn sideways to present a larger, more menacing target.

  6. Hilarious! -especially Kevin’s comment that he is “assuming” that the report wasn’t written by a chimp!

    Orangutans are not the only apes in Asia – gibbons live all over Asia and they drive you nuts with their calls! They are equally vicious towards human keepers from time to time. When I lived in Thailand, I heard many stories of cute baby gibbons being taken as pets, later to grow up and horribly maul their keepers or their keepers’ children.

  7. You didn’t cover the Bonobo which is also a great ape. Since the species is best known for their sexual behavior I would have thought it a perfect subject for coverage on Caustic Soda. Maybe a followup is in order.

    I’m working my way through the Caustic Soda library from the beginning while at work. Half my brain works while the other half listens to Caustic Soda. You guys are great. Most episodes are funny, gross and educational!

  8. You didn’t cover the Bonobo which is also a great ape. Since the species is best known for their sexual behavior I would have thought it a perfect subject for coverage on Caustic Soda. Maybe a followup is in order.

    I’m working my way through the Caustic Soda library from the beginning while at work. Half my brain works while the other half listens to Caustic Soda. You guys are great. Most episodes are funny, gross and educational!

  9. Astonished there was no mention of testicle size!

    (Male) Chimps have gonads 16 times the size of gorillas (humans are in between, with gonads 4 times the size of gorillas but a quarter of the size of chimps). They think it’s to do with the promiscuity of the species. Chimps root around a lot so the boy chimps produce huge amounts of semen to flush out that of competitors, whereas silverback gorillas dominate their harems well enough to not need to worry about it. Humans are in between, again, with more monogamy than chimps but still a bit of promiscuity.

    Dunno why I didn’t mention this first time I listened. I still love “mispronunced”.

  10. Astonished there was no mention of testicle size!

    (Male) Chimps have gonads 16 times the size of gorillas (humans are in between, with gonads 4 times the size of gorillas but a quarter of the size of chimps). They think it’s to do with the promiscuity of the species. Chimps root around a lot so the boy chimps produce huge amounts of semen to flush out that of competitors, whereas silverback gorillas dominate their harems well enough to not need to worry about it. Humans are in between, again, with more monogamy than chimps but still a bit of promiscuity.

    Dunno why I didn’t mention this first time I listened. I still love “mispronunced”.

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