Iraq War

Pack up your MREs, grab your weapon and kiss your best girl or boy goodbye — Caustic Soda is heading to war! Special guest Jordan Pratt joins us from the Speedway Squad podcast and The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets to add some knowledge and to handsome up Caustic Soda a few notches.

Music: “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” – Kay Kyser & his orchestra





Jordan: 9/10
Toren: 7/10
Joe: 5/10
Kevin: 5/10

Jordan: 10/10
Toren: 10/10
Joe: 10/10
Kevin: 10/10

Jordan: 9/10
Toren: 7/10
Joe: 7/10
Kevin: 8/10

Jordan: 6/10
Toren: 7/10
Kevin: 7/10

Jordan: 4/10
Toren: 6/10
Joe: 8/10

Jordan: 6/10
Kevin: 5/10

18 Responses

  1. Arrested Development referenced the Gulf War all the time, my favourite was the time they go to Iraq and find that Saddam’s body doubles all live together in a McMansion

  2. Interestingly enough, the first entry on that blog was a picture of Meryl Streep in The Manchurian Candidate!

  3. Interestingly enough, the first entry on that blog was a picture of Meryl Streep in The Manchurian Candidate!

  4. My nerdy interest in vampires (and Alexander Skarsgard) led me to Generation Kill, which was fucking awesome. The miniseries was fairly faithful to the book, too. Wish you guys had discussed it further. Loved Jordan’s input! He was great.

  5. Oops, that’s just a typo in the filename. This should be Episode 24. I won’t be changing it though to not mess up anyone with it already downloaded. Instead the next episode will be “25b” just to differentiate it.

  6. In response to the comment on “The Hurt Locker” reference picture above, where our bomb tech pulls on the lead. It makes for good movie but not reality simply because the leads could be pull activated. Like a trip wire. I saw the movie but couldn’t get over this scene. It is like in the movie Ed Woods with Johny Depp where the actor besides him says that there was a problem with the lighting. That when the monster come in it was daytime and now it is night time. To which Ed Woods replied now to worry about the details, it is the story that matters. Once you get pulled out of a movie it is hard to enjoy it or suspend your belief to the reality of the movie.

  7. In response to the comment on “The Hurt Locker” reference picture above, where our bomb tech pulls on the lead. It makes for good movie but not reality simply because the leads could be pull activated. Like a trip wire. I saw the movie but couldn’t get over this scene. It is like in the movie Ed Woods with Johny Depp where the actor besides him says that there was a problem with the lighting. That when the monster come in it was daytime and now it is night time. To which Ed Woods replied now to worry about the details, it is the story that matters. Once you get pulled out of a movie it is hard to enjoy it or suspend your belief to the reality of the movie.

  8. Fyi, the Iraqi’s original reason for invading Kuwait was actual a legitimate beef, although it probably did not justify a full blown war. Kuwait based oil drillers were allegedly drilling sideways, into oil deposits that were actually well behind the Iraqi border. Sadaam’s solution to any problem with his neighbours? INVADE!!! MURDER!!! DESTROOOY!!! Of course, this practice was utterly useless and resulted in a lost war against Iran and the eventual invasion of Iraq by the coalition of the willing.

  9. Fyi, the Iraqi’s original reason for invading Kuwait was actual a legitimate beef, although it probably did not justify a full blown war. Kuwait based oil drillers were allegedly drilling sideways, into oil deposits that were actually well behind the Iraqi border. Sadaam’s solution to any problem with his neighbours? INVADE!!! MURDER!!! DESTROOOY!!! Of course, this practice was utterly useless and resulted in a lost war against Iran and the eventual invasion of Iraq by the coalition of the willing.

  10. Jordan is a good guest. He made this subject, which makes me embarrassed to be American, more palatable for me. I hope you invite him back a lot. And since I am five years behind, I am sure I will find out soon.