
Is there life after decapitation? Can chickens really live without a head? After listening to this week’s “Decapitation” episode please blink your eyes three times to tell us you’re still conscious!


Hey everyone near Vancouver (or those willing to travel): Caustic Soda will be live at Bodyworlds at Vancouver’s Science World on October 16th. Join us!

While you’re attending fun sciencey events in Vancouver, come on by Vancouver SkeptiCamp on October 23, 2010! We’ll be there too, though as guests (and Joe will be doing a presentation!)

Thirdly, the Caustic Soda crew will be helping when The Skeptic’s Guide To The Universe does a Skeptic’s Guide Live Show in Vancouver on November 20, 2010! They’re our favorite science/skepticism podcast and we’re proud to be able to provide audio services for them.

Music: It Only Hurts For A Little While by The Ames Brothers.

Today’s episode is brought to you by Listen to Caustic Soda for a special discount code!



Movie Reviews

Predator 2
Kevin: 4/10
Toren 5/10
Joe: 5/10

Princess Mononoke
Toren 8/10
Joe: 8/10

Indiana Jones and the last crusade
Kevin: 7/10
Toren: 7/10
Joe: 8/10

Kevin: 9/10
Highlander: 8/10

James Clavell’s Shogun
Kevin: 6/10
Joe: 7/10

Kevin: 7/10
Toren: 8/10
Joe: 7/10

Apocalypse Now
Kevin: 10/10
Joe: 9/10

Kevin: 9/10
Toren: 7/10
Joe: 8/10

Sleepy Hollow
Kevin: 4/10
Toren: 7/10
Joe: 5/10

Kevin: 8/10
Toren: 10/10
Joe: 8/10

Piranha 3D
Kevin: 6/10
Toren: 6/10

31 Responses

  1. Brutal Legend’s final boss fight ends in a pretty epic decapitation.

    (Semi spoilery and pretty NSFW)

  2. Brutal Legend’s final boss fight ends in a pretty epic decapitation.

    (Semi spoilery and pretty NSFW)

  3. I’m surprised Toren missed out on an HP Lovecraft decapitation reference. Especially this one!

    In the Reanimator film, not only does the reanimated villain of the film get decapitated but the then proceeds to use his disembodied head to perform cunnilingus on the damsel in distress.

    Stuart Gordon you cad!

  4. OH! This just in!

    On the way to work, I heard an NHL player, I think for the Blackhawks, got a game suspension for making the (in the words of the announcer) ‘throat slash/decapitation’ gesture to another player.

    So apparently threatening to cut off someone’s head is frowned upon even in a rough game like hockey!

    Timely podcast guys!

  5. I’m very very disappointed that you guys forgot about The Omen, one of the most infamous cinematic beheadings out there.

    But mostly I blame myself… I’ve let you guys down…

  6. I’m very very disappointed that you guys forgot about The Omen, one of the most infamous cinematic beheadings out there.

    But mostly I blame myself… I’ve let you guys down…

  7. Oh, good call on the Brutal Legend ending. Here’s the same clip, slightly better audio, if you guys opt to use it later.

    And just so Toren doesn’t skim the comments, Brutal Legend is the video game that stars JACK BLACK… TOREN! SINGING! LIKE IN TENACIOUS D!


  8. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT show guys! I was super excited to listen to this episode. The only ‘type’ of decapitation I’ve heard of humans surviving is internal decapitation 😉

    Woman Survives Internal Decapitation: the youtube video on her:

    Nine Year Old Boy Survives Internal Decapitation:


  9. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT show guys! I was super excited to listen to this episode. The only ‘type’ of decapitation I’ve heard of humans surviving is internal decapitation 😉

    Woman Survives Internal Decapitation: the youtube video on her:

    Nine Year Old Boy Survives Internal Decapitation:


  10. This video is a super fuckin’ bummer, so be warned. Vic Morrow and two child actors killed while filming Twilight Zone The Movie. Morrow and one of the children were decapitated by a helicopter blade. The other was crushed by the chopper. I’d skip it.

  11. I just listened to this pod cast while having lunch and it seems the Apocalypse Now part was missing a wee bit: the decapitated head of Jay “Chef” Hicks (Frederic Forrest) that Kurtz drops onto his lap while bound to a post… there are loads of other heads kickin’ about the temple too.

    Family entertainment late 70’s style!

    Ümläütmän: understood by few, master of even less

  12. I just listened to this pod cast while having lunch and it seems the Apocalypse Now part was missing a wee bit: the decapitated head of Jay “Chef” Hicks (Frederic Forrest) that Kurtz drops onto his lap while bound to a post… there are loads of other heads kickin’ about the temple too.

    Family entertainment late 70’s style!

    Ümläütmän: understood by few, master of even less

  13. Does anyone else have a problem with the placement of the body in the wrong iron decapitation photos? If the head is facing forward, shouldn’t the body be on the other side of the fence?

    1. Damn, ‘wrought’ iron, not ‘wrong’ iron. Honestly, I can’t even blame autocorrect, I’m just that stupid.

  14. Criss Woods’ footage of the 1939 execution of Eugen Weidmann on the guillotine was the last PUBLIC execution in France. They were made private by decree because the crowd became frenzied and started behaving in a way that the French government of the time deemed undignified. As a note, the famous actor Christopher Lee was present in the crowd when Weidmann was decapitated.

    The last execution by guillotine in France happened in 1977, when Hamida Djandoubi was decapitated at Baumettes Prison. They were a few people still on death row waiting for their executions when the death penalty was abolished in 1981.

  15. Criss Woods’ footage of the 1939 execution of Eugen Weidmann on the guillotine was the last PUBLIC execution in France. They were made private by decree because the crowd became frenzied and started behaving in a way that the French government of the time deemed undignified. As a note, the famous actor Christopher Lee was present in the crowd when Weidmann was decapitated.

    The last execution by guillotine in France happened in 1977, when Hamida Djandoubi was decapitated at Baumettes Prison. They were a few people still on death row waiting for their executions when the death penalty was abolished in 1981.

  16. Also, Nazi Germany used a shorter, portable version of the guillotine (named the Fallbeil) to executed common law criminals and political prisoners sentenced to death in the Reich People’s Court. Here’s a picture taken of the interior of Plotenzee Prison during the Nazi era, the guillotine is quite visible in front of the hooks for hangings:

    About 15,000 Germans were executed that way, notably Sophie Scholl and her friends part of the White Rose resistance movement.

    It was only abolished in 1949 when the Federal Republic of Germany had its new constitution adopted.

  17. Also, Nazi Germany used a shorter, portable version of the guillotine (named the Fallbeil) to executed common law criminals and political prisoners sentenced to death in the Reich People’s Court. Here’s a picture taken of the interior of Plotenzee Prison during the Nazi era, the guillotine is quite visible in front of the hooks for hangings:

    About 15,000 Germans were executed that way, notably Sophie Scholl and her friends part of the White Rose resistance movement.

    It was only abolished in 1949 when the Federal Republic of Germany had its new constitution adopted.

  18. I know I’m a little late to the party, but this would have been a cool inclusion in your Pop Culture section. This is the only scene I could remember from this movie until I rewatched it as an adult!