Sex (Part 2)

Cinema Sewer’s Robin Bougie is still with us as we talk about penile plethismograph, 3 day coke-caused priapism, tubgirl, Lemon Party and concrete enemas!

Bonus content – watch our Caustic Soda Podcast 2 Girls 1 Cup Reaction Video!

Music: The Five O’Clock Whistle (Duke Ellington)


22 Responses

    1. That’s us watching 2 Girls 1 Cup. It was planned to be done all along, but we somehow forgot to mention it in the podcast proper. Oops.

      The link to the video is above.

  1. Kids today. They got it easy with the internet!

    When I was a kid I remember watching scrambled Playboy TV signals hoping to make out a boob every now and then.

    So with no real porn, I made due with Heavy Metal (as mentioned on the show) AND Fritz the Cat. Both movies played late at night on First Choice/Super Channel (Canadian HBO).

  2. That video of you guys watching 2 girls one cup was… golden. Im glad you guys enjoyed it, especially you kevin. Toren… you looked disgusted but so into it. Im concerned Toren, concerned

  3. That video of you guys watching 2 girls one cup was… golden. Im glad you guys enjoyed it, especially you kevin. Toren… you looked disgusted but so into it. Im concerned Toren, concerned

  4. Yeah, without context the bit at the end sounds like there’s a circle jerk or a reenactment of the lemon party going on

  5. Yeah, without context the bit at the end sounds like there’s a circle jerk or a reenactment of the lemon party going on

  6. Thanks to the picture of Mandy Morbid, I now understand why so many D&D nerds are obsessed with that Axe show. That’s not a Mohawk, more like a Mo-HAWT!


  7. Thanks to the picture of Mandy Morbid, I now understand why so many D&D nerds are obsessed with that Axe show. That’s not a Mohawk, more like a Mo-HAWT!


  8. OMG. Tubgirl and 2 girls 1 cup (couldn’t even watch half of it)

    From Futurama “You watched it, you can’t unwatch it”

    Why did I have to be eating chocolate. Dam you Hershey’s and/or caustic soda.

  9. Picked up the Season 1 set from iTunes, and was listening through it…

    For me, part of me, during the musical intermission with ‘Five O’Clock Whistle’, I kept having the Bugs Bunny/Red Riding Hood running through my head…

  10. I thought I was the only person who wanted plot with my porn! Also the only person I know who detests Woody “Hack” Allen. Thanks for making me feel less alone in the world. And talking about sex, which is so much more interesting than my bank job.