Sexism, Part 2
Who’s taking the red pill? Debunking sexist evolutionary psychology, sexism in science, menstruation, sexual assault victim blaming, women in refrigerators, the Bechdel test plus Star
Who’s taking the red pill? Debunking sexist evolutionary psychology, sexism in science, menstruation, sexual assault victim blaming, women in refrigerators, the Bechdel test plus Star
Dr Jenna Moccia returns with special hosts Jarrah Hodge and Deanna Ogle for a particularly hysterical look at sexism. Part 1 of 2. Music: “Sobbin’
We continue our look at pregnancy and childbirth by looking at puerperal fever, how to perform an emergency birth, birth risks in history, the invention
In the most terrifying topic we’ve covered yet, Dr. Jenna Moccia (and her own special silent guest!) joins Kevin, Joe, and Toren to look at child bed fever,
Food tasters, Wiley’s poison squad, tetra ethyl lead, pesticide-contaminated lunches, a new botulinum toxin, and the usual pop culture. Plus – what’s the lethal dose
Dr Jenna Moccia joins us to talk nightshade, strychnine, curare, arsenic, ricin, cyanide, botulinum, chemotherapy, the 1858 Bradford Sweets poisonings, the 1971 Iraq mercury grain poisonin, plus
Babies in cellophane, lead for kids, bad advertiser turned propagandist Edward Bernays, Tom Vu, the Marlboro Man, Joe Camel, Pizza Hut’s moon advertising plan, and
Dr. Jenna joins Joe, Kevin, and Toren to look at the mosquito-borne peril of malaria. We discuss the life cycle of the this protist parasite
Joe, Toren and Kevin are joined by Dr. Jenna to talk about not just the bubonic, but all things yersinia pestis-y: Bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic
Dr. Jenna Capyk joins us to discuss the lighter and darker side of ebola. Spoiler alert: it’s mostly dark. Plus news and pop culture, plus