Elephants, Part 2 of 2
The caustic look at elephants continues with elephant attacks, beehive fences, Jumbo, Topsy’s execution, plus news and pop culture!
The caustic look at elephants continues with elephant attacks, beehive fences, Jumbo, Topsy’s execution, plus news and pop culture!
Food tasters, Wiley’s poison squad, tetra ethyl lead, pesticide-contaminated lunches, a new botulinum toxin, and the usual pop culture. Plus – what’s the lethal dose
Dr Jenna Moccia joins us to talk nightshade, strychnine, curare, arsenic, ricin, cyanide, botulinum, chemotherapy, the 1858 Bradford Sweets poisonings, the 1971 Iraq mercury grain poisonin, plus
The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets’ guitarist Warren BANKS! joins the crew to do another round of follow-ups and listener mail, including: Japanese cannibal checks
Warning: Consumption of this podcast may cause increased knowledge, laughing fits, and a mild queasiness. Our topic is poison! Poisonous frogs and mushrooms as well