
This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Caustic "Icide Guide"

This chapter of Caustic Soda’s “-icide guide” explores the psychological reasons as to why children kill their fathers. In history we discuss Beatrice Cenci, Richard Dadd, the Menendez Brothers, Chris Porco, and the Tochigi Case. Also, patricide in the news and in pop culture!

Music: “Daddy’s Little Boy” by The Mills Brothers



Series Navigation<< Regicide, Part 2Infanticide >>

7 Responses

  1. Great episode, if not quite disturbing. On a different note, you guys need to deprive Kevin of water more often so we get more great lines like “shoot me in the knee, Morton!”

  2. I’ve got it! I’ve really got it! Peter Porco is the secret identity of the Simpons’ Spiderpig.

    I’m just going to leave that there for you guys.

  3. Oedipus married his mother, Queen Jocasta, as the prize for solving the Sphinx’s riddle – the Sphinx was threatening Thebes after King Laius had been killed. The riddle was the old chestnut “What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at midday, and three legs in the afternoon?” — I guess my point is that Oedipus didn’t just walk into Thebes and marry the Queen. Nobody knew it was him who’d killed the king — even he didn’t know it.

    The Greeks were wonderful at writing miserable stories. :o)

  4. Didn’t American Beauty open with the daughter asking her boyfriend to kill her father? It’s a bit hazy who she wanted dead, but I remember really enjoying that film. Great Kevin Spacey stuff.

    1. It does start with that. The movie lets you think they may have actually done that, but they don’t. She was just kidding.