Scurrying, skittering, and scampering into your ears, it’s the Caustic Soda rats episode! Toren, Joe, and Kevin look at the brown rat and black rat.
The podcast of the weird, gross, and disturbing.
Back one last time.
In honor of Greg Bole
and care at BC Cancer
The podcasts are finished,
social media is dying,
but there’s still a
to hang out on!
Scurrying, skittering, and scampering into your ears, it’s the Caustic Soda rats episode! Toren, Joe, and Kevin look at the brown rat and black rat.
Politically motivated murders! Hashshashin, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, the failed assassination of Teddy Roosevelt, the assassination that started World War I and more! Music: “When
Lisa Gemino joins the Caustic Soda crew to talk about “punchy kicky stuff”. The one-inch punch, MMA, Houdini, Tinku, Krav-Maga, Panantukan, “buttons” and more! Music:
The entries have been closed and one entry has been randomly chosen (using The Diceonomicon on Joe’s iPhone)… and the winner is… Charles Mair from
Sagawa the cannibal, Bruno the bear, a slavery-based syphilis cure, Hitler’s death, and LSD cults and SQUIIIIDSSS INNNNNNN SPAAAAAAAAACE! It’s an entire episode full of
Evil Dudes In HistoryJack The Ripper Hitler Robespierre Ted Bundy Rasputin Vlad the Impaler Stalin, Part 1 of 2 Stalin, Part 2 of 2 Dennis
Snottites, star jelly, caca de luna, hagfish slime, marine mucilage, sneeze modellers, snail slime cream, and all things slimy! Our iRiff of “The Blob” is
Caustic Soda puts the fun in funeral! Guest Arinn Dembo joins us to talk neanderthal cave burials, cremains, martyriums, slave sacrifice, wife-burning, The Great Death
Toren, Joe, and Kevin are joined by Kerberos Productions‘ Martin Cirulis to talk about landships,or “tanks”. We’ll hear about Britain’s attempts to hide this new
Joe, Toren, and Kevin are joined by Rebecca Dart to talk about cults! We talk about Brother XII, who claimed to be the Egyptian god
Microbiologist Jenna Capyk joins Joe, Toren, and Kevin to talk about Hansen’s disease, also known as leprosy. What the heck is it? Does it cause
Evil Dudes In HistoryJack The Ripper Hitler Robespierre Ted Bundy Rasputin Vlad the Impaler Stalin, Part 1 of 2 Stalin, Part 2 of 2 Dennis
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