Caustic Soda

The podcast of the weird, gross, and disturbing.

Back one last time.

In honor of Greg Bole

and care at BC Cancer

The podcasts are finished,
social media is dying,
but there’s still a 

Caustic Soda Discord Server

to hang out on!

Episode Archive

Mass Hysteria

Toren, Joe, and Kevin are back with a look at the “collective delusions of threats”, or mass hysteria, including the June Bug Epidemic, Tanganyika laughter epidemic, The

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Nuclear Accidents, Part 2 of 2

Nuclear Accidents continues with Three Mile Island, the Kyshtym Disaster, the Fernald Feed contamination, the SL-1 meltdown, the Soviet sub K-431 refueling disaster, the Zaragoza

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Nuclear Accidents, Part 1 of 2

Bob Apthorpe, nuclear engineer, defense waste cleanup & severe accident analyst, joins us to talk about nuclear meltdowns and other accidents involving radioactivity. We discuss

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This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Caustic "Icide Guide"

Caustic “Icide Guide”Regicide, Part 1 Regicide, Part 2 Patricide Infanticide Genocide, Part 1 of 2 Genocide, Part 2 of 2 Ecocide Suicide Fratricide HospiticideTRIGGER WARNING:  Some

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Diving Accidents, Part 2

Jonathan Martin and the guys discuss diver’s squeeze, the death of David Shaw, the “Diver’s Cemetery,” the Byford Dolphin diving bell accident, plus news and

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Diving Accidents

Diver extraordinaire Jonathan Martin joins us to discuss the types and hazards of diving, including decompression sickness (the “bends”), nitrogen narcosis, high pressure nervous syndrome,

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The wonderful world of leeches includes bloodletting, leech collectors, the tempest prognosticator, hirudotherapy, how to properly remove a leech, plus news and pop culture. Music: “Leeches”

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Benign Tumors

Dr Rob returns to talk about the terrible tumors – or at least the non-cancerous ones. Includes molar pregnancies, teratomas, fetus in fetu, gourmand syndrome,

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The Lesser of Two Evils Marathon

What happens when funny people like Kevin, Joe and Toren (and often a guest) from Caustic Soda have to choose between two horrible fates? Caustic Soda’s “Lesser

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