Seven Deadly Sins – Sloth
Seven Deadly SinsSeven Deadly Sins – Greed Seven Deadly Sins – Gluttony Seven Deadly Sins – Sloth Seven Deadly Sins: Pride Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
The podcast of the weird, gross, and disturbing.
Back one last time.
In honor of Greg Bole
and care at BC Cancer
The podcasts are finished,
social media is dying,
but there’s still a
to hang out on!
Seven Deadly SinsSeven Deadly Sins – Greed Seven Deadly Sins – Gluttony Seven Deadly Sins – Sloth Seven Deadly Sins: Pride Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
Today we talk about explosions. High and low, big and… well, mostly big. Frightening, deadly and completely uncontrolled! Music: Kablam by The Darkest of the
Seven Deadly SinsSeven Deadly Sins – Greed Seven Deadly Sins – Gluttony Seven Deadly Sins – Sloth Seven Deadly Sins: Pride Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
Kerberos Productions‘ Chris “Stewie” Stewart joins us to talk about physical deformities. Ribeiroia, sirenomelia, and a whole bunch of other complicated and disturbing words are
Announcing the Caustic Soda Promo Contest! Pam Saunders of Body Worlds & The Brain was kind enough to provide us a giveaway copy of the
Seven Deadly SinsSeven Deadly Sins – Greed Seven Deadly Sins – Gluttony Seven Deadly Sins – Sloth Seven Deadly Sins: Pride Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
Recorded on-location at the Telus World of Science Bodyworlds exhibit, Caustic Soda takes a look at the fascinating, gruesome world of the human body. A
Cinema Sewer’s Robin Bougie is still with us as we talk about penile plethismograph, 3 day coke-caused priapism, tubgirl, Lemon Party and concrete enemas! Bonus
Robin Bougie joins Kevin, Toren, and Joe for a special sexy (and therefore EXPLICIT) episode. What are phimosis and paraphimosis? How about penis fencing and
Is there life after decapitation? Can chickens really live without a head? After listening to this week’s “Decapitation” episode please blink your eyes three times
What is toxoplasmosis? Who is the ‘Tyrant Leech King?” How much memory in an isopod? Does Hercules fight with his thighs? Are MacDonaldland characters endorsing
Warning: This podcast is full of shit! Drop the kids off at the pool, lay some brown carpet, make some trouser chili, take a load
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