Sexism, Part 2
Who’s taking the red pill? Debunking sexist evolutionary psychology, sexism in science, menstruation, sexual assault victim blaming, women in refrigerators, the Bechdel test plus Star
The podcast of the weird, gross, and disturbing.
Back one last time.
In honor of Greg Bole
and care at BC Cancer
The podcasts are finished,
social media is dying,
but there’s still a
to hang out on!
Who’s taking the red pill? Debunking sexist evolutionary psychology, sexism in science, menstruation, sexual assault victim blaming, women in refrigerators, the Bechdel test plus Star
Dr Jenna Moccia returns with special hosts Jarrah Hodge and Deanna Ogle for a particularly hysterical look at sexism. Part 1 of 2. Music: “Sobbin’
The Caustic look at Ivan the Terrible continues with the Massacre of Novgorod, swollen cods, and the Time of Troubles, plus news and pop culture,
Evil Dudes In HistoryJack The Ripper Hitler Robespierre Ted Bundy Rasputin Vlad the Impaler Stalin, Part 1 of 2 Stalin, Part 2 of 2 Dennis
Dr. Rob joins Joe, Toren and Kevin to look at Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. We look at dementia through history, how shockingly recently we’ve understood that this
Gavin Pitts returns to discuss the Goonch catfish, needlefish, sailfish, swordfish, moray eel, pacu, barracuda, anglerfish, snakehead, stingrays and the not-so-dreaded candiru! Music: “Three Little Fishies” by Glenn
Our look at heroin continues with trafficking, the Golden Triangle, a public service announcement, the “North London Turk”, GG Allin, plus a selection of pop culture
Kevin, Joe, and Toren take an extended look at the drug known as junk, dope, smack, shot, shit, and h: Heroin. In part one we
Landfills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, crap on Mount Everest, Smokey Mountain, garbage around the world and trashy history. Plus pop culture! Music: “I’m Waiting for the Junkman”
Mr. Dr. Greg joins Joe, Toren, and Kevin to discuss the shell out of turtles. We’ve got a pop quiz, information about neck-folding, butt-based breathing,
Caustic Updates featuring Chris Woods from Horsetrack Hooligans! It’s a grab bag of updates on past episodes, including body modification, art, plus a new Lesser
Caustic Anatomy ClassThe Brain The Heart Bones KidneysDr. Rob Tarzwell is back with Joe, Toren, and Kevin to get to the heart of the matter of… the
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